Love Yourself

February 13, 2020
Chris Engen

February 14 is fast approaching and for many, it’s a much dreaded “Holiday”. I’m sure I speak for men and women alike. Nothing like unmet expectations to ruin what could have otherwise been another pretty day mid-February!

I was in a card shop with my 14-year old daughter the other day and there was an enticing setup of hearts in a sea of red announcing “Valentine’s Day is almost here!” She glanced at it, turned to me and wistfully expressed she wished she had a sweetheart. I started to answer, “Me too, Honey”…… but quickly caught myself.

For two reasons.

  1. Love is all around us. Just because we don’t have a romantic relationship, does not mean we don’t have love in our lives. Look at your children, your pets, your extended family, your friends.
  2. The most important relationship you’ll ever have is with yourself.

When you believe that you’re worthy of caring for yourself, you’ll instinctively put your health (and body) first.

By eating REAL FOOD and avoiding processed foods, alcohol and other drugs, added sugar and artificial sweetener …  you are LOVING yourself!

Your body wants and needs the nutrients found in Seasonal, Organic, Unprocessed and Local foods.

Depriving yourself of food is NOT being kind to yourself.

How can you Love Yourself? Here are a few tips that will help.

Eat Mindfully

When you slow down, you digest your food better. Give yourself pause to absorb and assimilate the nutrients you’re feeding yourself. You are made up of the food you eat. Choose wisely and don’t rush!

Be Nice to Yourself

Only positive self-talk. Speak to yourself as you would your child or a special person in your life.

Let Go of Perfectionism

It’s inevitable that things won’t always go the way you want them to. The natural human condition is not perfection. The concept of “perfect” is a setup for failure. Yes, some things can be done “perfectly” individually, but overall, it’s impossible.

Notice Your Feelings

Connect with yourself over and over throughout the day. How are you feeling? What do you need?  How can you take care of yourself?

Respect Your Body and Trust What it’s Telling You

Just because someone else is doing Intermittent Fasting or Keto or something else and seeing results, doesn’t mean it’s the right plan for YOU. If restricting food timing or categories just doesn’t seem right, you don’t have to join them. Jumping around from plan to plan will not move you forward.

How are you going to Love Yourself this Valentine’s Day?

I suggest a local Farmer’s Market or another healthful store like Whole Foods. Browse the aisles or the booths. Talk to the owners. Ask questions and engage and nourish yourself with the knowledge. Observe the beauty of the colorful fruits and vegetables. Try something new!



….and for Heaven’s sake, if no one sends you flowers, go buy some for yourself!

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