There are SIX KEY Biochemical Factors that play a big part in Addiction Recovery
Here’s what other professionals are saying:
Malnutrition may promote drug seeking and impede recovery from substance abuse disorders. “It is well established that nutrient deficits make people vulnerable to alcohol use and that the ability to digest and absorb nutrients and fatty acids in impaired as a result of chronic alcohol use”. (Korn, 2016)
Hypoglycemia “Many alcoholics are hypoglycemic and that the blood sugar dips can feel like cravings for alcohol”. (Larson, 2002) Blood sugar stabilization is crucial to decrease cravings!
Adrenal Fatigue is “directly related to the hypoglycemia experienced by alcoholics. If the demand of epinephrine (adrenaline) to prevent insulin shock exceeds supply, it can cause emotional instability”. (Larson, 2002)
Leaky Gut Syndrome and other GI issues, once corrected, can calm the nervous system. There is truth to “gut feeling”! Neurotransmitters exist not only in the brain, but also in the gut! An impaired GI system is connected to impaired brain function. (Bauman, 2016)
Toxic Chemicals – Exposure to gasoline, cleaning solvents and formaldehyde can cause alcoholic cravings in sensitive individuals. Common environmental chemicals not only set the stage for alcoholism, they can also precipitate relapse. (Randolph and Moss, 1980, Larson, 1992)
Neurotransmitter deficiencies, genetic or diet based – Low genetic levels of serotonin and dopamine may predispose individuals to depression and addictions These underlying biological malfunctions can be corrected! (Ross, 2002)
Disordered eating, anorexia/bulimia, depression, anxiety and other mental health problems can be found in tandem with substance use disorders. (Korn, 2016)
Other conditions contributing or resulting from nutritional deficiencies:
Metabolic imbalances, Impaired liver function and pancreatitis (Bauman, 2016)
In his book, “End Your Addiction Now” (2010), Dr. Charles Gant reported a 83% success rate in ending patients’ addictions. He believed that biochemical imbalances in the body must be attended to before recovery can happen, and that alcoholism is primarily a brain chemistry imbalance, fueled by a deficiency in certain nutrients. He shows that a critical part of treating addiction is to replenish missing nutrients through food and supplements.
What can be done?
Nutrient repair involves replacing cofactors, amino acids and other nutritional support for the conditions that have developed from long term drug or alcohol abuse. At the very least, B vitamins, Vitamin C, Fish Oil, Magnesium, GABA, glutamine and zinc all must be replenished. Depending on the stage of addiction and toll on the body, these nutrients can be custom adjusted for each individual. The full process of amino acid therapy is extremely necessary to bring neurotransmitter levels back up to functioning. With nutrient repair, people struggling with relapse will have a much easier time staying abstinate!
My protein-packed breakfast recipes!